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Swachhata Pakhwada
  • Event Date: 02-Sep-2024
  • Updated On: 02-Sep-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 6
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Description: For observing the Swachhata Pakhwada in a befitting manner with focused participation resulting in cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene drive the school have organized the following suggestive activities during 1st to 15th September 2024: 1. Swachhata Shapath may be organised in all schools, wherein all students and teachers/ staff may participate. 2. Holding meeting of SMCs and PTAs in the first week of the Pakhwada to highlight the importance of cleanliness and sanitation, importance of hand-washing, promoting water conservation/ rain water harvesting practices during the Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs); and to encourage and inspire them to continue with the good practices for hygiene and sanitation in school as well as home. 3. Teachers to inspect water and sanitary facilities in the school, do a quick assessment of water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and make proposal/ plan for repair and upkeep of the facilities, if required. 4. Essay/ Slogan/ Poem Writing, Painting, Elocution, Quiz, Model Making Competitions for students on cleanliness and hygiene practices in school. 5. Swachhata awareness messages to be posted on school website. Alternatively, photographs on Swachhata may be displayed in schools.
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